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“August Rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” – Sylvia Plath, poet

August is a captivating month in our gardens, offering a distinctive blend of both challenges and opportunities unlike any other time of the year. While the days continue to be hot and sunny, the evenings and mornings begin to carry a slight chill, hinting that autumn is just around the corner.

Here are Maidstone’s three essential tips & tricks for gardening in the month of August:

  1. Time to Plant Fall Blooming Flowers: As summer winds down, now is the time to introduce fall-blooming flowers like chrysanthemums, asters, and sedums. These plants not only add color to your garden as other blooms fade but also provide essential nectar sources for pollinators in the fall.
  2. Optimize Watering Schedules & Amounts: With the weather gradually cooling, your plants may require less water than in the hot summer months. Monitor soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule to ensure that plants receive enough water without becoming waterlogged. Consider utilizing a drip irrigation system or rain barrels to conserve water and provide a more consistent water source.
  3. Prepare Your Soil for Autumn Cooldown: Start preparing your soil for the upcoming fall season. Remove any spent plants and weeds, then add a layer of compost or well-rotted manure. This will replenish nutrients and enhance soil structure, ensuring your garden is ready for next year’s planting. Additionally, consider testing your soil’s pH and nutrient levels to tailor your soil amendments accordingly.

At Maidstone Tree Farm & Garden Centre, we offer a wide range of perennials and shrubs that are perfect for your August gardening needs – from fall colour to soil amendments. Visit us at the farm today, and Get Growing with Us!

– The Maidstone Tree Farm Team
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